Apologetics Levels
- Level 1 – Juniors
- 1 topic paragraph of about 150 words, containing 1 support item (scripture, quote, etc.)
- You’ll read your paragraph, doing your best to present it well, Then at the end, Say something like, “Today, we’ve talked about why (enter topic here) is (enter whatever your main point about your topic is here). Hopefully, you’ll think of something to leave the audience to think about in a conclusion, but this will be optional.
- Level 2 – Senior Beginners
- Since this is the first year for many of you, 3 paragraph topics a week is probably overwhelming. I am reducing the amount to 1-2 paragraph topics. Each topic paragraph needs to contain at least 1 piece of support.
- Level 3 – Senior Intermediate
For those wanting a little more challenge than the Beginner level and eventually want to compete in Apologetics, but are not ready for the advanced level, I am assigning 2-3 paragraph topics, that will include 1-2 support items per topic.
- Level 4 – Senior Advanced
- For those of you up for a challenge or wanting to compete in Apologetics in March (or earlier), your assignments will be the current 3 topic paragraphs, with preferably 2 support items (whether fully quoted, or just paraphrased and cited). There will additional optional assignments to create intros & conclusions for 3 questions from the Stoa list to help you get prepared for tournament.
In class Presentations
- I will give the kids time to prepare a conclusion/intro in class prior to giving their speech.
- All Senior Levels: I will do my best to choose questions that I think everyone has the 3 topics prepared for, or at least 2 out of the 3.
- We will be reviewing various presentation topics and other speech types
- Obviously, everyone will be at different levels