by Sharma Dutton | Jan 24, 2019 | Debate Events, Lincoln Douglas
Lincoln-Douglas debate is one person debating against another person and is primarily focused on competing values. Every year, a resolution is selected from a list and used at tournaments held during that time period. Resolutions often take the form in which two...
by Sharma Dutton | Jul 16, 2018 | Arise Speech & Debate, Debate Events, Lincoln Douglas, Speech Events
Lincoln Douglas Value Debate Lincoln-Douglas debate (more commonly referred to as LD) is a competitive speaking activity that involves two debaters arguing for and against a resolution that is selected by Stoa and voted on by coaches. Today, somewhat like the old...
by Sharma Dutton | Jul 16, 2018 | Arise Speech & Debate, Clubs, Debate Events, Speech Events
When it comes to international relations, aid is one of the biggest ways the United States directly interacts with other countries. In the past we’ve seen foreign aid cases when the resolution was specific to a country or region, but this resolution would allow...